Continuing Education

Category: Other

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Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 results.

  • This course discusses the uses, manufacturing process, performance characteristics, selection considerations, and proper installation techniques of commercial graphics.

    Date & Time Location Contact
    Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 12:00 EDT (UTC-04:00) Webinar Jesse Chase


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    There may be additional events available! See the course details page for more information.

     This course is delivered LIVE. It's presented through face-to-face and/or webinar event(s).

  • Seattle has ranked among the country’s fastest growing cities since the mid-1990’s causing gentrification and displacement of vulnerable communities.

    For example, African Americans accounted for 73 percent of the Seattle’s Central District (CD) population in 1970 and have fallen to less than 14 percent today. As a result, Black churches in the CD face difficult decisions about whether to stay or relocate.

    However, the churches own property and other assets and, working as a network, could mitigate this gentrification and displacement through strategic real-estate development. This vision is advanced by the Nehemiah Initiative Seattle - a collaboration focused on developing the significant real estate assets of Black churches to stabilize and benefit the CD’s African American community. Since 2019, The Nehemiah Initiative has been collaborating with the College of Built Environments at the University of Washington through a series of interdisciplinary design studios focused on this vision. This presentation will provide a brief history of Seattle’s Central District, an overview of the Nehemiah Initiative, and the mutual benefits of collaboration between the academy and community.

    There doesn't seem to be any scheduled live events for this course. REQUEST one at a convenient time and location for you.

     This course is delivered LIVE. It's presented through face-to-face and/or webinar event(s).

  • When building professionals gather, as they often do these days, to confer under the banner of “ESG,” the “E” tends to get the lion’s share of the airtime. After all, there is a direct and readily understandable connection between buildings and environmental sustainability, and many of us have devoted significant time and effort to educating ourselves in best practices around this important facet of professional practice.

    But what about the “S?” How do those of us engaged in the business of the built environment drive bona fide social impact through the work we do? In fact, there are numerous paths available, and arguably, real social equity is reliant on a foundation of safe and stable housing as much as any other factor. During this webinar, we will explore needs and solutions in the realm of housing affordability and access, while specifically touching on both our existing housing stock and impact-focused strategies for bringing new housing online.

    There doesn't seem to be any scheduled live events for this course. REQUEST one at a convenient time and location for you.

     This course is delivered LIVE. It's presented through face-to-face and/or webinar event(s).

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 results.